Continuing Education
Welcome to The James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, your destination for diverse and dynamic training opportunities to fuel continuous professional development. As an ACPE-recognized provider, our comprehensive programs, blending online and live sessions, cater to today's practitioners' varied needs.
Bearcat Bootcamp: Mastering Specialty Pharmacy
This bootcamp provides pharmacy professionals with foundational knowledge about specialty pharmacy, equipping them with the skills and understanding necessary to potentially transition into the specialty pharmacy area. You will learn from experts in the field, gaining insights and expertise that are essential for success in this specialized area of pharmacy. Click here for more inforamtion.
Explore Home CE Activities
With a focus on real-world experiences, we nurture best-practice models of pharmacist-provided care in collaboration with industry leaders. Our programs empower pharmacists to educate the public about their vital role in healthcare.
Grounded in practice-based research, our evolving programs stay ahead of industry trends and expanding responsibilities.
The Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) Program of the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati enhances the practice of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians by providing opportunities to learn, acquire, and apply the latest knowledge, skills and attitudes required for contemporary practice in a variety of practice settings. The College’s commitment to the CPE Program is reflected in and consistent with the College’s Mission and Goals Statement.
The Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) program at The James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy is driven by the following goals:
- Provide pharmacists and pharmacy technicians with high quality and accessible educational opportunities that meet practice needs.
- Enhance pharmacists’ and pharmacy technicians’ knowledge and skills.
- Evaluate and improve educational programs to better meet the needs of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
Join us in advancing your professional journey and stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of pharmacy through our enriching CPE opportunities.
Contact Information
Brad Hein
Associate Dean for Professional Education & Assessment
Associate Professor,
Pharmacy Academic Affairs
145G Kowalewski Hall
In Dr. Hein's current role as associate dean, his office supports the college, faculty, staff and students in the areas of the curriculum, assessment, accreditation, interprofessional education, co-curricular activities, instructional design, information technology and continuing education.
Karissa Kim
Director of Continuing Pharmacy Education
Pharmacy Practice and Admin Sciences
187 Kowalewski Hall
Dr. Kim also serves as Director of Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) and oversees all aspects of the CPE program.