Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Message from the Chair
Pankaj Desai
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati.
The overall mission of the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to advance the state of knowledge in the pharmaceutical sciences through our research in the discovery, design and action of therapeutic agents and health care products and to provide the highest level of instruction in pharmaceutical sciences in the PharmD and MS/PhD curricula. The division actively supports graduate education that leads to advanced degrees in the pharmaceutical sciences in order to provide highly trained scientists for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and personal care industries, government agencies, and academia.
The Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences currently consists of 16 full-time faculty. Division faculty are accomplished scientists with backgrounds in pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, medicinal chemistry and cell and molecular biology. They conduct innovative research in fundamental and translational biomedical sciences. The research focus areas of the division include experimental therapeutics, with a particular emphasis in neuroscience and cancer cell biology, and biomembrane science which spans transdermal drug delivery to nanopharmaceutics.
Our faculty are committed scientists/educators who also contribute not only to the teaching mission of the College in:
Pankaj Desai
Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences Division
Pharmacy Desai Lab
3005 H Medical Sciences Building