Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to be involved in student and professional life by participation in the many organizations available at the College of Pharmacy.


The student chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy represents clinical pharmacy and provides student members with career planning resources and access to the Practice and Research Networks of ACCP.


The mission of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy.


The mission of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists is to provide optimal medication management and improved health outcomes for all older persons. Student members have an interest in providing medication therapy management and education to the geriatric population.


The Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists is recognized by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. SSHP represents pharmacy students interested in health care systems and addresses the needs of students with respect to career information, practice focused leadership development and organizational involvement.


The UC Student Chapter of the Christian Pharmacy Fellowship International (CPFI) offers the opportunity for Christian students to have a common affiliation with likeminded students within our school of pharmacy and also with other schools of pharmacy throughout the United States and abroad.


College of Psychiatric and Neurological Pharmacists is the student chapter of the professional society whose focus is on advancing the practice and reach of neuropsychiatric pharmacists. The chapter promotes awareness around mental health and wellness.


Industry Pharmacists Organization is the student chapter of the organization that is dedicated to advancing the careers of pharmacists who work in the pharmaceutical industry and contribute to the development, commercialization, promotion and optimal use of medicines.

Kappa Epsilon

Kappa Epsilon is a national professional pharmacy fraternity whose student members promote pharmacy as a career, provide networking opportunities, and supports personal and professional development. Community service focuses on breast cancer and cardiovascular disease awareness.

Kappa Psi

Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world with 141 Collegiate and Graduate chapters. As a national group, our objectives are to conduct a professional fraternal organization for the benefit of all members, to promote philanthropic involvement within the community, and, specifically at UC, to foster leadership opportunities and organize social activities on behalf of the College as a whole.


The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) represents America’s community pharmacists. The goals of the organization are to nurture entrepreneurship, advocate for legislative change, and promote the health and well-being of the public.

Phi Lambda Sigma

PLS is a national pharmacy leadership society that promotes the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students. Requirements for admission are: (1) demonstrated leadership and service towards the advancement of pharmacy; (2) high ethical and moral character; (3) second or third professional year ranking; and (4) a QPA of not less than 2.5.

Rho Chi

Rho Chi is a national pharmacy honor society that encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. Requirements for admission to the society are: (1) a QPA of not less than 3.0; (2) scholastic standing in the upper 20 percent of the class after completion of 11 quarters; and (3) recommendation by the Dean.


Student National Pharmaceutical Association is an education and service association concerned about pharmacy, and health care issues, and the need for balanced representation in pharmacy and other health professions.


Tribunal is the student governance organization and represents the student body at the college through professional and service activities.

Student Organization Calendar

Student National Pharmaceutical Association is an education and service association concerned about pharmacy, and health care issues, and the need for balanced representation in pharmacy and other health professions.